Gaming Night at The Den! 1990’s Internet Cafe’ Style! FREE Community Event! 07/21/23…7-11pm

Version 2.0! Thanks to everyone who showed up to the last gamer event!

Located at the Sanders Beach Center 913 South “I” St, Pensacola FL 32502

We’re opening up 2 large rooms at the Sanders Beach Center for electronic gaming and board games. In 1 room, we’ll host the Console/PC gamers…the other room will be set for board games. Bring your favorite game…you know….like D&D, etc! Invite your friends! We’ve got plenty of room. We’ve got snack and soda machines. You can even bring food or have it delivered! This is a FREE event! But, we need you to RSVP for the electronics room (space is limited on the first run of this event). The link to RSVP is in the ticket section of the event page. The board game room requires no RSVP, but if you would like to get email updates, use the link! If this event takes off….we’ll expand it to LAN gaming.

Here are the details for the electronics room…

We supply…
* Dual Gigabit Fiber
* Ethernet Access
* Ethernet Cord (unless you bring your own)
* Wi-FI
* Power Outlets
* Table Space
* Chair(s)

You bring your…
console/PC and monitor, handheld gaming unit or smartphone.

We want to make this a big event in the future. We have room for 350 gamers in the main room(not being used for this event) and another 40 in the initial 2 rooms. Let us know you are ready to GAME-ON! There is no other place in the area that can do something this big….but, we need you to SHOW UP and PLAY!